Bergens Tidende vant prisen «Beste innovative bidrag» under Schibsted Journalism Awards 14. mai 2020.
Gjennom en serie debattinnlegg, nyhetsaker og reportasjer har BT satt søkelys på omfanget av fattigdom på Vestlandet.
I begrunnelsen for prisen, sier juryen:
The voices of the poor in a wealthy society are hard to hear, but also hard for a newspaper to find. Bergens Tidende took a firm and bold decision to use every mean possible to get their stories. Through a vast range of research methods and fieldwork they found them, listened to them, and empowered them to tell their stories. The discussion and emotions it created shows that the stories had great importance for the audience. The winner conducts an experiment by mixing untraditional and classical journalistic tools to create innovative journalism. By taking a step into the society in a new way the winner has given strength to unheard voices of great importance to the readers with stories that made a difference.
SUJOs Kristine Holmelid var reportasjeleder for prosjektet:
Fra Bergens Tidende deltok Liv Skotheim, Kjetil Gillesvik og Kjersti Mjør.
Den første av totalt 49 artikler og debattinnlegg ble publisert 6. desember 2019.
Se hele begrunnelsen til juryen: